Fake News & Information Literacy: Designing information literacy to empower students


  • Claudia McGivney Stony Brook University
  • Kathleen Kasten Stony Brook University
  • Dana Haugh Stony Brook University
  • Jennifer A. DeVito Stony Brook University


This paper explores the instability of the notion of “truth” in contemporary discourse and praxis, and its intersections with information literacy as a core priority of academic librarianship.  The incorporation of feminist theory within the conceptual structure of information literacy informs the ways in which academic librarians seek to help students and researchers to become more aware of the context and origins of information, and to be able to examine it critically.

Author Biographies

  • Claudia McGivney, Stony Brook University

    Claudia McGivney is the Head of Academic Engagement at Stony Brook University. She holds a Master of Science degree in Library and Information Science from Long Island University, C.W. Post, a Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies from Hofstra University, and is currently working on a Ph.D. in Literacy at Hofstra University. Her research interests include anime and graphic novels in higher education, digital literacies, and reflective practice. 

  • Kathleen Kasten, Stony Brook University

    Kathleen Kasten is Head of Humanities & Social Sciences at Stony Brook University Libraries.  She holds a PhD and MA in French from the University of Pennsylvania, and an MLS from Queens College.  Her research interests include reading practices, the history of the material text, and early modern French cultural studies.

  • Dana Haugh, Stony Brook University

    Dana Haugh is the Web Services Librarian at Stony Brook University Libraries. She leads the design and development of the library’s web presences, focusing on responsive and easy-to-use web and mobile interfaces. Her research interests include emerging library technologies, UX design, and British literature.

  • Jennifer A. DeVito, Stony Brook University
    Jennifer A. DeVito is an Assistant Librarian and the Director of Access Services at the Stony Brook University Libraries. She is the liaison to the College of Business and Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies. Jennifer holds a Master of Science in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Bachelor of Arts from the New School for Social Research.  Her research interests include library management, access to information and information design.


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